Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Twas the Night of Said Christmas

Twas the night of Said Christmas, when all through the house
Every Child was playing, while I snoozed on the couch
The stocking were limp by the chimney; struck bare
stripped of the goodies St. Nick had stashed there

My husband was nestled all snug by my side
while the Christmas lights twinkled on our small tree outside
And Todd in his Polo and I in my dress
sighed heavily, releasing all the holiday stress

When up in the loft there occurred such jovial banter
I had to listen close to see what was the matter
Away to the stairway I flew like the wind
to quietly hide and to listen right in

Triston, Barrett, and Sage were all speaking so sweet
about all of their presents and all of their treats
but their thankfulness was what gave me great pause
for they were looking to write "thank you's" to Dear Santa Claus

They spoke of his kindness and the life he does live
while thinking of others and loving to give
they promised that this rule would be their new calling
to give well to others and help without stalling

Now smiling and sighing, with a lightened warm heart
i crept back to the living-room, to my cozy couch spot
the tree twinkled brightly in the dimly lit room
as i thought to myself, Christmas passes too soon

if only we could capture this kindness all year
would the sad things in life start to all disappear?
if we lead with our hearts, convalesce those in sorrow
could we avoid senseless tragedies in each new tomorrow

perhaps if we think like the babe in the manger
and lend a kind ear to the soul of a stranger
a kind of Christmastime glow would engulf this great land
with goodness and love finally taking a stand

To listen with kindness and to take action when called
might just change the world, even with acts quite small
so as this day of celebration comes to a end
we might reach out one more time and make a new friend

Try to keep Christmas by spirit and heart
with small acts of kindness, it's one way to start
As the end of the day starts to draw near
Try to keep Merry Christmas though out all the Year!

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