Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Phone Manners

Ok, so maybe the following is "a little much". It's certainly by far the most militant act I have taken thus far as a parent. My parenting style tends to float between my children living in a dream world democracy and a full blown dictatorship, depending on my mood swings. Not the best thing to admit, but I'm not a perfect parent. 
That brings me to the following. All 3 of our oldest children have iPhones (I know, bring on the drama😒).  For the most part, they are responsible. With 5 kids and the older ones going to practices, arranging rides, etc., having the phones got to be kind of a necessity.  Plus, we are in the techno age. They gotta learn sometime. Lately, however, there have been many more incidences of the children not answering when we call, missing our texts, things like that. They don't ever miss a call from a friend though. Hmmm...
We had rules for the phones originally. Spoken rules though, an "I'm going to take your word for it" approach.  I think we are ready for a contract now. Here's the rough draft:

So, kid, you want a cell phone?

1.  This phone is NOT to enable or further enhance your social media standing.  It is for us, as parents, to be able to get in touch with you AT ALL TIMES. 
2.  The only status updates, texts, or emails that should have TOP priority should be those from myself, your father, your teachers, and your coach.
3.  Do not under any circumstances ignore a text or call from me or your father. Ever. 
4.  If you are stranded in a ditch without phone service or the use of your hands (the only reason you should by ACCIDENT miss a communication from your parents), you will, in a timely manner (we are talking minutes...seconds even, not hours) return the text or call with adequate explanation as soon as possible. 
5.  You will not, under any circumstances, use this device to publicly humiliate, shame, or bully another individual whether you know them or not. 
6.  You will be smart and considerate when posting ANYTHING. 
7. Your father and I will be full (non-blocked) members of any sites you are on. 
8. Your father and I will know all of your passwords and screen names. 
9. We reserve the right to look through your phone AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON. Your phone is NOT A DIARY, everything you post is public. If you want a diary, I will get you a paper journal and a pen. 
10.  These rules will remain in effect until such time as you are able to take over the financial responsibility of your phone bill. Until that time, it is my job to guide you into becoming a socially responsible adult. 

"With great power, comes great responsibility"


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