Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Choice

I had a choice today.  I was out running errands with two toddlers and they were getting cranky.  I needed a gallon of milk and a pound of ground beef for dinner.  I was dreading going to the big grocery store, certain of the tantrums and bribing that were going to try my patience and my wallet.  The skies were clouding over and a rain shower was impending and I didn’t relish the idea of carting the kids through a busy parking lot either.  The grocery store was coming up on my right, and I was just about to turn in, when I thought of Provisions in Downtown Waxhaw.  
Provisions is the kind of store that you think only exists in the quaint small towns of 50's sitcoms.  It sits in a quiet brick building at 107 W. South Main Street.  There are bells on the brilliant green doors that jingle as you pass into the store.  The music is loud, but inviting.  They played a particularly cool bluegrass cover of the Pixies “Where is my Mind?” (if the owner, Tyler, reads this, please let me know who it was by!).  The shop was busy, but not crowded.  The lunch crew was bustling about, taking orders.  
My son bolted for the games set up on the tables in front of the windows.  I hesitated for a moment, then decided it was better to leave him occupied then drag him around the store.  A few minutes later I heard a crash and ran back up front, dreading the scene.  But Tyler (the owner), sat down with my son and assured me there was no problem.  It was just the Connect Four game, he’d let the pieces crash onto the table.
I was starving, so I ordered a cup of tomato soup and the cheeseburger pizza to go.  I then grabbed my pound of ground beef and looked for some raw sugar, but there was none on the shelf.  I went up to pay, forgetting my milk.  The cashier, Hannah, was so friendly!  We got to talking and I remembered the milk.  Then, upon mentioning the sugar, the staff and Tyler went out of their way to go and package some up for me out back.  While I was waiting I saw that they had the dark cocoa dusted almonds that I love, and being in such a good mood from the music and the friendly staff, I added a super big M&M cookie from See Jane Bake to my order (for the kids, really…).
While waiting for the sugar, I got to have a nice conversation with Hannah, who, it turns out, spent a few years living in Massachusetts, which is where I’m originally from.  We spoke about how much we enjoy life in Waxhaw, the people and the sense of community, and how we both try to support local businesses and local farms whenever we can.  I love seeing pictures of the chickens that lay my eggs on Facebook.  They’re running around, truly cage free, in the grass and sunshine.  They look happy.  
My toddler started fussing (he was overdue for a nap).  One of the other staff asked if he could have a lollipop, which cheered him up immediately.  She gave a pop to both of my kids and they stayed quiet (and happy) for the rest of the time I was there.
Provisions also has a loyalty card.  Each time you shop and spend at least $20 on their products, you get a percentage off of your total order (5, 10, 15, and 20 percent).  I’ve already gone through one card, and when it gets to that 20 percent, you see a significant difference.  All without clipping coupons.  All while supporting your neighbors.

I had a choice today.  To support big business or shop local.  Now, did I spend more money than if I had shopped at the grocery store?  Maybe.  Did I make some impulse purchases?  Absolutely.  But my purchases are making a difference.  They are supporting my neighbors, my community, the place I call home.  I love Waxhaw just the way it is.  If we don’t support these local businesses, the Wal-marts and Targets of the world are going to swoop in and take over.  Main street won’t be main street anymore.  Too me, that’s a cost I’m not willing to pay.