Friday, March 25, 2016

An Open Letter to the LGBT Community from a Carolina Girl...

An Open Letter to the LGBT Community from a Carolina Girl...

I am sorry.  I have to admit that when I first heard about the "Bathroom Bill" I got scared.  I was willing to accept it, but I had my reservations.  I have five kids, three of whom use public bathrooms on their own most of the time.  What if some maniac dressed up like a woman and went into the bathroom and accosted my daughter?  It wasn't the transgender population I was worried about, but those "millions of maniacs" that might take advantage.  I didn't think.  I got suckered into the scare tactics.  I didn't do my research and find out that in many other states and counties that have passed bills supporting the transgender community and their right to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender choice, there have been NO reported cases of any degenerates using the bathroom to accomplish evil deeds.  As for my children, it is my responsibility to parent them.  Maybe I shouldn't let them use the bathroom alone at all.  You never do know who will be in there and it's my job to put their safety first and accompany them.  I wasn't considering how dangerous it could be for YOU, the transexual or transgender individual, to use the bathroom.  To walk into a restroom looking like the opposite sex.  YOUR safety is an issue and I apologize for not seeing that initially.  I am ashamed of what North Carolina has done.  Most of the people I meet here are open minded, caring, compassionate people.  I think that this bill was a knee-jerk reaction that wasn't thought out.  I hope it gets repealed.  Please know that, now and in the future, I will stand with you.  I'll even save you a place in the bathroom line.