Saturday, August 11, 2012

Baby Zen

River is such a Zen little guy.  It's so amazing to watch him watch the world.  Every experience is new and exciting and he just focuses on being in the moment.  He wants what he wants and there's no apologizing for it.  He's not constantly looking for the next thing or overwhelming himself with the hundreds of other things he should be doing.  He appreciates the little things that I do for him as though they were the most amazing acts of human kindness ever bestowed upon another human being in the history of time.  He embodies so much of what I learn from my yoga practice.  He belly breathes.  He meditates (I truly believe he does...he'll focus on one point and get that distant look in his eyes and that slight smile...just like you're supposed to do when you meditate).  He lives in the present moment.  He does the stretches that feel good to him and listens to his body, not trying to fight what it needs.  He sees the good in the world and expects goodness in return.  I find myself paying so much more attention to the little things just because of him.  Slowing down.  Listening.  Being.  He has grounded me and brought me back to earth, quieted my mind, and swelled my heart. 

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